Thanks and Giving
If you’ve been following our 100 stories project this year, you know that Blanchard and Calhoun Real Estate Company has been guided for the past century by three basic principles: do the right thing, take care of each other, practice gratitude. While we live out these values every day of the year, Thanksgiving is a particularly appropriate opportunity to walk the talk. Like most businesses in the country, we gather as a work family to share a meal and to count our many blessings. That’s the thanks part of the holiday. The other part – giving – is just as important to us. More than 11 percent of US households are uncertain of having or unable to acquire enough food to meet the needs of their families. So every year at Thanksgiving, Blanchard and Calhoun donates food to local charities, because everyone should be able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with their friends and family. Sharing our abundance… a Blanchard and Calhoun tradition since 1919.